To live in peace with happy and prosperous.
Dear Christian Brothern,
Greetings to you in the name of our living Lord Jesus Christ.
I would like to share a few thoughts on a topic, " HONOUR MARRIAGE" (Heb 13.4) . 'Marriage is Made in Heaven' is quoted by Tennyson. It is a fact that the first marriage is created by God in Eden.
The First Marriage held in Eden:
According to the Holy Bible, from Genesis Chapter 2 verses 18, 21 to 24, Adam was all alone and wandering with animals and birds in the garden. Animals, birds and all living things were pair and living in a group. Then the Lord God said,"It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him" (Gen 2:18) God feels being alone is not His will. His great intention is man and woman live together. It is important to understand that the covanant of marriage is made in the God's Garden, before they commit sin. So it is called, "The Holy Matrimony" Eden was really a heaven and God dewels with them and everyday visited them.
Woman is created for Man: .
The Bible says Gen:2:21-24. The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, while he slept took one of his ribs and made a woman. Actually she brought from the slumber status of Man. Adam is the image of God and Eve is the image of Man. As she came from Man so she is called Woman.
God conducted the marriage between man and woman. He wanted them to multiply on the earth and worship him. They should bring up children and make a society. Finally they should bring His kingdom on this earth.
Marriage is to be a long Existence:
In the presence of God, marriage is to be permanent. God wants to live them a peaceful and happiest life on the Earth. St.Mark 10: 8,9 . says they are one in likeness. No one seperate them. God doesn't like Divource. His intention is to live them for ever both in heaven and earth. Moses only introduced the Divource because of the odd and hardly attitute of Jews. Christians should recollect the agreement they tool at the time of marriage in the church in front of the Priest and the congregation.
Frgiveness and forgetfulness are two keys to happy and harmonious life.
Who is the boss in the family?
Dear friends, Ist Corinthians Chapter 11 verses 3,7,8,9,10 clearly say that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. Man was not cratred for woman but woman for man. So wives should respect and honour their husbands. They shuld be with humility, love and sacrifice to lead a good family. Mahatma Gandhiji says, " Wife is not a slave to her busband, but the best companion".
The Duty of Husband and Wife:
The Bible says in Ephesians Chapter 5:22, 24,25,28, " Wives, submit to your own husbands,as to the Lord. For th husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church. So wives should not dominate husbands. Husbands , very important and foremost thing is love your wives as Christ loved the church. So husband should love wife should respect. Both should lead a christ centered life. Pray together and love each other. " A good family is a University".Peace be upon you.Amen.
Prof. Dr. David Arul Paramanandam.
91- 9965685511.
Chengalpet. TN. South India.
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