St. John 14. Jesus says to His disciples, " I am the way, the truth and life". "I am" is an emphatical pronoun. " I am" comes in the Holy Bible 300 times. In St. John chapter it comes 7 times. He addresses to His disciples as a Farewel speech. The next day he was going to be crucified.
Jesus says I am going to my Father to prepare a place for you. Thomas asked Jesus "We do not know where you are going? " Jesus replied at once " I am the way, the truth and life". It's a must for Christ to go to His father's place to prepare for the dwelling places. He gives an assurance that he will come back to take them for the everlasting. Psalm 23: King David says, l will dwel in my father's house for a long time.we can't see father and son seperately. When Philip asked Jesus to show him Father, Any one who has seen me has seen the father. Jesus is the way of his Father's appointing, and which is entirely agreeable to the perfections of God, and suitable to the case and condition of sinners. Jesus is the only way to reach the Father. There is no other way. The path cross is very difficult, but it gives the deliverance from sins and sorrows.
Jeremiah 6:16.
16This is what the LORD says:“Stand at the crossroads and look.Ask for the ancient paths: ‘Where is the good way?’Then walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.But they said, ‘We will not walk in it!’
ACC to Jeremiah, Let us walk in the good paths.if we walk in it, we will find rest for our souls. Jeremiah asks, where is the good way? The good way is Jesus. He is the only way to reach the heavenly Father.
In the old testament, God chosen Moses to deliver the Israelists from Egyptians who were slaves for 430 years. Moses' way lead to the great Canaan. God shows the way through Abraham, Isaac, and Jecob. In the New Testament, Jesus is the only way. My dear friends, which way you are walking on now? Is your way right or wrong.? Are you still going on a wrong track? Let us go on the only way that is: Jesus. Jesus is the only way, truth and life
Painting in Deux-Acren, Belgium
Christianity is the only religion in the World to give forgiveness because of Jesus Christ. He gave his life on the Cross for the ransom of our sins.He is the true God, and eternal life; truly and really a man; as a prophet, he taught the way of God in truth; as a priest, he is a faithful, as well as a merciful one, true and faithful to him that appointed him; and as a King, just and true are all his ways and administrations: he is the sum and substance of all the truths of the gospel.
The only regrettable thing in the chapter John:14 is Thomas and Philip who were very ignorant to understand who Jesus was and Father. Jesus ' kind reply to them might have broken their hearts. Jesus answered to Philip and other disciples, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” John 14:5-10
Like the disciples, many of us do not understand the principles of Jesus. We don't know the love of Christ. Before we love him, he loved us first. He loved us unconditionally. Because he loved the World. His ultimate aim is nobody should perish in their sins.
Dear friends. There are two ways in the world. One is the way to Eternal Life in the heaven and the second is the way to the Hell the fire of burning. Let us choose the first one to be with the Lord for ever. Amen
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