The Significance of 40 in the Holy Bible.

Dear Friends. Greetingd to you in the holy Name of Jesus Christ. The number 40 is highly dignified in the Bible in several places. It's used in the Bible as forty days, forty years for specifying the time periods. The forty is a significant number. ,*According to Genesis 7:4 in the Old Testament, rain fell for forty days and forty nights to destroy the immoral people. The flood continued forty days on the earth. The waters increased and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth.( Gen 7:17). God took 40 days to destroy the entire World except Noah and his family along with the chosen animals. *After the flood, Noah waited for 40 days on the top of the mountain before sending out the Raven. (Gene 8:5-8)
*Moses' life is divided into three 40-year segments, separated by his growing to adulthood in the King's palace, fleeing from Egypt,
* As a shepherd (Exodus 3:1)for 40 years and his at 80 years only God invited him to deliver the Israelis in Egypt.  (Acts 7:23, 30, 36).
* Moses spent three consecutive periods of "forty days and forty nights" on Mount Sinai.(Exodus 24:18).He fasted 40 days on the Mount. He climbed on the mountain in Penticostal Day.
* The Liberated Israelis wand ered in the Desert 40 years. It's the God's will to arise for a new generation. ( Numbers 32:13).
* Moses sent the spies to explore the land of Canaan - The promised Land of Israelis for 40 days.  (Numbers 13:2, 25).
It's remarkably to remember that the number 40 is relatively associated with Moses at 5 times.
* God fed Israelites in the Desert Manna for 40 years.
* In Deuteronomy 25:3, 40 lashes is one of the punishme nts meted out by the Sanhedrin.
* The prophet Elijah had to walk 40 days and 40 nights before arriving at mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:8). 
* Eli was a Judge of Israelites for 40 years. (1.Samuel 4:18)
* Israel's kings Saul, David and Solomon ruled for 40 years.(1 Kings 11:42).
* Palastine's Goliath challenged the Israelites twice a day for forty days before David defeated him (1 Samuel 17:16).
"As per the Hebrew's tradition, one of the prerequisites of a man to study Kabbalah at his 40 years old.
* The Prophet Ezekiel laid on his right side for 40 days to bear the iniquity of Israel and Judea's sins.
* Jonah the Prophet warns  Nineveh people that 40 days more and Nineveh shall be overthrown. (Jonah 3:4).
* Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness of Judea.(Matt 4:2)
* Lent consists of 40 days.
* 40 days was the period from the resurrection of Jesus to the ascension of Jesus. ( Acts 1:3).
* Moses, Elijah and Jesus fasted for 40 days.
Dear friends. The number 40 is highly significant in the Holy Bible. The first 40 started with the flood destruction but the last 40 of Jesus's ascension gives as new hope for our redemption and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prof. Dr. David Arul Paramanandam.

first five books of the Bible) is attributed.[8]


Guido Reni - Moses with the Tables of the Law - WGA19289.jpg
Moses with the Tablets of the Law (1624), by Guido Reni


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